Web Watch
Understanding Web Watch
After you set-up a web watch, Awesome Goat will periodically visit the web page you have specified and analyze the content. When the goat identifies a new logical item on the said page, that item will appear in your timeline.
What websites people usually watch
Awesome Goat is a generic tool and people use it for various purposes.
- Equity and debt investors watch pages of various companies get notified when new information is published
- Real-estate investors watch pages of various listings firms to get sense of a market, to archive offers and to get unified pane of glass to see new offers.
- Investors also watch pages of various government bodies to get notified when new information, regulation or ruling appears.
- Readers of all kinds like to set-up Web Watches of their favorite bloggers or media houses.
How I want to improve web watches in future?
- Generic improvements to the automated recognition model
- Captcha and blocking evasion
- Automatic tagging
- Reddit support
- Twitter support
- LinkedIn support