Question about EAR regarding illegal surveillance. / @/u/BL1NDX3N0N,

I am going to use Huawei as an example since it is a pretty recent event of a large commercial business being added to the EAR Entity List. Huawei, Chinese affiliates, had been suspected of using, or being capable of using, commercial products as a highway for malware delivery and/or spying. Mind you, these allegations, true or not, were made by the U.S. which protects the U.S. by limiting or banning imports of products manufactured by Huawei. This is my understanding at least; I only have minor experience with EAR & ITAR from the defense manufacturing sector. My question is what systems are put in place in other countries such as China to protect against other countries doing the same thing. I know that each country can establish their own organizations and laws for controlling imports/exports but is there something more global similar to ITAR for every country to use as a reference?

submitted by /u/BL1NDX3N0N
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published 9 months ago

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