STIGrevolution – Intro / @stigwpadmin

STIGrevolution – Intro

In this video, we demonstrate the basic functionality in STIGrevolution allowing users to easily fill out DISA STIG checklists and view their information. We also cover bulk CKL handling capabilities that allow users to create CKLs from SCAP, update existing CKLs with SCAP, and update existing CKLS with new STIG versions.

We’ll be showcasing other capabilities in an upcoming video, including the ability to view and interact with eMASS POA&Ms and compare them to CKLs and ACAS scan data.

The post STIGrevolution – Intro first appeared on STIG SOLUTION.

The post STIGrevolution – Intro appeared first on STIG SOLUTION.

published almost 4 years ago

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