NIST LEVEL 2 requirements / @/u/JicamaParticular3421,

Hello everyone, i recently was hired for a company that is trying to reach level 2 in NIST. At the moment, i am working on the assessment through Exostar to see where we are with reaching the score needed to be cleared. A little background as well, i was hired as a sys admin and my expertise had to do alot with networking and servers, so when it comes down to NIST. I didnt quite play around with security, monitoring, logging and auditing which is something we really dont have in my new company. We do not have any network monitoring tools, logging tools or MDM. So my questions are how would you go about in figuring out a way to meet the requirements?? How many of the requirements could be met with already provided tools such as group policy, security groups, sonicwall tools ubiquiti equiupment?

submitted by /u/JicamaParticular3421
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published 10 months ago

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