USGCB Major Version 1.0.x.0 Released / USGCB News

USGCB Major Version 1.0.x.0 released for Windows 7, Windows 7 Firewall, and Internet Explorer 8. The previous USGCB beta settings has been approved by the Federal CIO Council's Architecture and Infrastructure Committee's (AIC) Technology Infrastructure Subcommittee (TIS) for release as the first USGCB Major Version; please note that USGCB settings have not changed since the previous beta release.

This release includes updated documentation for USGCB settings and known issues. Also included in this release is updated SCAP content for Windows 7, Windows 7 Firewall, and Internet Explorer 8. A new SCAP data stream has been added to the Windows 7 SCAP Content; this new stream captures settings specific to USGCB energy conservation policy.

discovered 11 months ago

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