Interview Questions for RMF 1-3 Role / @/u/TheCarter117,

Hey Reddit Hivemind! I have been doing RMF for the last 11 years and I have been doing interviews and hiring RMF personnel for the last 7-8… I feel like a lot of the time the candidates look good on paper, but end up being a dud… so…

What I am wondering is if any of you who hire for RMF related positions or any of you who do RMF 1-3 related work have any good interview questions (that you have asked or been asked) to actually gauge someones ability to write system security plans, categorize systems, ability to take technical ideas/processes and write them in a layman manner, etc? What things do you look for in the candidates to make more efficient choices in candidate selection?

submitted by /u/TheCarter117
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published about 2 months ago

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