Guidance on figuring out needed or useful artifacts. / @/u/Milkelton,

Hello everyone!

I have been in Cybersecurity for a few years and one thing that I have been curious about is how to figure out relevant or useful artifacts before a SCA asks for them. It seems like a lot of the processes are just known by more experienced staff who were told how to do it by someone in the past.

Where do I find the documentation on what artifacts are needed for an ATO, IATT, and maybe just the general process on how to do them? What about a document of useful artifacts that may not be minimum required artifacts, but incredibly nice to have?

We have a few distributed standalone systems (it's a mess) and I want to make sure I get everything. (potentially more than the minimum that is usually asked for)

Things that come to mind

Scans - CKL and .nessus



hw/sw list

Device exports - a few powershell scripts to find things like local accounts and such

Do you guys have any other useful artifacts that maybe are less known but useful?

Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/Milkelton
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published 4 months ago

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