Easiest way to determine availability of FedRAMP'd products within certain FedRAMP clouds?

old.reddit.com / @/u/FixerJ, https://old.reddit.com/user/FixerJ

I've been through the FedRAMP site but not sure I'm seeing the information in the way I'm hoping to see it... Is there a simple way to determine if a given 3rd party software vendor has their application already available in a FedRAMP cloud provider (e.g. MAG, AWS GovCloud, etc.) as a marketplace item on those clouds without manually visiting each cloud provider, logging in with that credential, searching within the marketplace, etc.

i.e., Seems like it would be much easier to search on FedRAMP and filter on specific cloud providers based on which ones are already lit up and ready to go for a given entity, but perhaps I'm not going about this the proper way...

submitted by /u/FixerJ
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published 5 months ago

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