107 Financial Blogs I like to follow

Dec 9, 2022

Here are the finance related blogs that I like to follow.

I start my day here

Stock ideas - bigger capitalization

Stock ideas - smaller capitalization

Analyzing Reports

United Kingdom



Bigger picture / Macro

Beautiful Charts


(the smart ones)

Catastrophic 😍

Broader scope, multi-topical

Each blogger is unique.

Legends; Kinda must follow

From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank all content producers.

How I am able to read that much?

Firstly, it is not that much. Most blogs won’t publish every week or even every month.

Secondly, this is only a subset of my daily information diet. In fact, I am trying to continuously improve my reading process; and the website you are on, The Awesome Goat, is a natural conclusion of me reading too much.

Awesome Goat allows me to subscribe to all of the blogs above, but also any other web page. Awesome Goat, periodically ingests web pages for me and creates a timeline of unique text fragments as they appear online over the time. In the interface, there is the ability to mark items as seen, so I can keep track of what needs my attention and what does not. Yesterday, I added the ability to share the timeline between the friends or the team.

I am trying to build something useful here, so I am interested to hear your feedback. (Please reach out through the support ticket inside the platform or on twitter 🙏).

Thank You and enjoy the reading!